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Smart Airbnb Malaysia

Converting to Smart Airbnb in Malaysia

Airbnb has been successful in penetrating into the accommodation service industry, gaining trusts from hosts and guests. Malaysia is no exception.

The reason traveler often seek for an Airbnb rather than a hotel usually because of low cost, convenient location, household amenities, coziness of a home, and most importantly it motivates them to experience the local experience.

And on the other hand, more and more people are opening up their private spaces for Airbnb and becoming a host. Some even made this a professional full time business .

But is renting out Airbnb a good business?

Yes and no.

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Smart Home Malaysia

Smart Home in Malaysia

The Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming more common in overseas especially in the United States and China as these country constantly developing and creating more and more smart products for the consumer market, incorporating cloud services into apps and integrating these services with daily electrical appliances and daily activities.

smart home malaysia

But what about Malaysia?

Currently, Malaysia is still quite new to these technologies. But consumers are starting to slowly adopting it into their homes and more people are starting to be aware of such technology. Shopping malls with smart mirrors, cashless parking systems, smart homes and smart offices, are slowly stepping foot into Malaysian scene with the government initiation of Selangor Smart City as well as the development of i-City in Shah Alam by I Berhad.

“Home is where the heart is”, and probably that is why we always worry about it when we’re away from home.

Smart City Project is a very big plan, and it requires all infrastructure to be interconnected with each other to run efficiently. But let us bring it down to a smaller scope – Smart Home.

Smart Home in Malaysia is slowly stepping foot into private homes, but more work and time still needed to educate and expose such technology to the Malaysian market.

Many would say “Home is where the heart is”, and probably that is why we always worry about it when we’re away from home. That’s when IoT comes in play, interconnecting all devices in your home, providing you a full control of your home even when you’re away.

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